Unannounced Project 2 - Sumo Digital
As currently this project is still unannounced, I am unable to show any project visuals or discuss specific work that I participated in. However, I can still provide an overview of my work done and my skills used.
I worked as a gameplay programmer on an Unreal Engine 5 project in its early stages as part of the 'World Look and Feel' team. This team was made up of game designers, level designers, tech artists and programmers. The direction for this team was to explore ideas surrounding the feel of the game.
My typical work involved developing level-object prototypes using blueprint, or taking prototypes developed by our technical designers, and then creating production-ready versions using C++.
Key Skills
Unreal Engine 5, C++, Blueprints, Iterative Prototyping, Perforce
Technical Skills
Experience using Unreal Engine 5 with in-house engine modifications.
Usage of both C++ and Blueprints; C++ primarily being used for gameplay features, and Blueprints used for the visual-layer, and prototypes.
Being able to read other people’s code to efficiently understand how a system or feature was implemented, to build upon or maintain and make changes. This included both the work of my colleagues and that of the Unreal Engine 5 source code.
Version control, good use of Perforce, including detailed push messages, resolving conflicts, and locking binary files where necessary.
Code Review using Helix Swarm, e.g. submitting my code-review requests for appraisal, leaving comments on other people's code to improve the submissions of my colleagues, and querying aspects I didn't understand to further enhance my knowledge.
Mathematics for 3D games using Unreal, e.g. bézier curves, and splines.
Last updated